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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

‘Tuberculosis’ is a deadly disease that should prevente

‘Tuberculosis‘ is a deadly disease that should prevente before it takes our lives. It has well known in the past few days about a type of tuberculosis. That can suddenly take a life without any clear cause, until the cause could be found. Which is nasal.

People at risk of heatstroke 

People at risk of heatstroke  Elderly people, children, people who are sleep deprived or sleep little, people who drink a lot of alcohol, people who work in hot and humid climates, people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.,

Be warned: Heatstroke danger in hot weather.

Be warned: Heatstroke is a danger in hot weather. Now that we’re fully into the summer season, we need to prepare our bodies to be strong and ready to face the scorching hot weather of Thailand. Otherwise, various diseases that come with the heat can

Controls ghrelin, prevents hunger easily

Controls ghrelin, prevents hunger easily Hunger really doesn’t discriminate. Watching a movie makes you hungry, seeing friends post pictures of food makes you hungry too, exercising makes you hungry too. It’s not even noon yet, sitting down to work, your stomach starts to growl loudly.

Good skin, young face if you choose to eat vegetarian.

Good skin, young face if you choose to eat vegetarian. When eating vegetarian food, you must eat to maintain good health in both body and mind, so that your aura shines. If you choose to eat well and appropriately, your skin will look better without

How to eat without getting fat

How to eat without getting fat Many people think that eating vegetarian food is like detoxing the body because it abstains from meat. But did you know that most vegetarian food is oily and has a lot of starch in it? And vegetarians can’t avoid it. If