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What is corn?

Answering the question of whether or not corn is a vegetable sounds like it would be simple. In fact, it’s a little more complicated than it appears food.

Whole corn, like you eat on the cob, is considered a vegetable. The corn kernel itself (where popcorn comes from) is considered a grain. To be more specific, this form of corn is a “whole” grain.UFABET  

To complicate things a little more, many grains including popcorn are considered to be a fruit. This is because they come from the seed or flower part of the plant.

In contrast, vegetables are from the leaves, stems, and other parts of a plant. This is why several foods people think of as vegetables are actually fruits, like tomatoes and avocados.

So, is actually a vegetable, a whole grain, and a fruit. But no matter what form it comes in or what category it falls into. Corn is good for you and can be part of a healthy diet. Even plain popcorn can be healthy when prepared without oil, butter or salt.

The three most popular types are:

  • Sweet: This is what you’d typically find at the grocery store.
  • Field : This variety is used to feed cattle and other livestock. It’s also
    used in some industrial items.
  • Indian : This kind of corn comes in many colors and is popular as a
    decoration often seen around Thanksgiving. A variety of this type of corn is also
    used to make popcorn.