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‘Tuberculosis’ is a deadly disease that should prevente

Tuberculosis‘ is a deadly disease that should prevente before it takes our lives.

It has well known in the past few days about a type of tuberculosis. That can suddenly take a life without any clear cause, until the cause could be found. Which is nasal. This disease is not new to Thai people, but it is just tuberculosis that occurs in organs in the body that are different from what we are familiar with. Let’s see where germs come from and how serious it is, including how to treat and prevent it when it occurs in our own bodies.

Where does tuberculosis come from?

        Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease cause by a very small type of severe bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the bacteria attach to any part of the body and multiply, the body will not be able to protect itself, so it becomes tuberculosis. Also, when infecte symptoms are rarely shown because this bacteria grows slowly. This bacteria can survive in the air and the environment for a long time. It is transmitted through the air we breathe, through sputum droplets from sneezing, coughing, or being with a tuberculosis patient for a long time.  

Let’s get to know about nasal tuberculosis.

        “Post-nasal tuberculosis” is disease that we are familiar with. However, this type will found in the area behind the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is a place with many blood vessels. If this germ causes pathology in the nasal cavity lining and causes pathology in the surrounding blood vessels, it will cause the blood vessels to rupture. In other words, if this disease occurs in a certain area, the flesh there will be rotten and may spread until the large blood vessels in that area rot and rupture as well. When the large blood vessels rot and burst, a large amount of blood will flow out.

This results in bleeding from the nose or mouth and overflowing into the trachea, causing suffocation. When there is no air to breathe, ทางเข้า ufabet the brain lacks oxygen. If the lack lasts for more than 5 minutes, it risks immediate brain death and death. In addition, the organ most often infected is the lungs. If the infection occurs in the lungs, blood will come out when coughing. Tuberculosis can also found in other parts of the body, such as the bones, lymph nodes, and brain, including the nasal cavity.